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     Franco-Indian humanitarian association created in 2010, Zindagi Association joins, in a quite small scale, in the program of the objectives of  the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the leaders of the world in September, 2015 during an United Nations summit: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all (objective 4), and Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls (objective 5).
In 2015, at the assessment of the Millennium Development Goals, all the aims were not reached, regarding in particular education, as 57 million of children in the world still have no access to school, among which 17.8 millions in India. (IUS, on 2014). Zindagi Association is  located in Uttar Pradesh, the most populated state of India and the poorest second state after Bihar. To its sad prize list, Uttar Pradesh counts not less than 8 million non-schooled children.

     As for the situation of the women, in 2014, according to the report of the NCRB, more than 300.000 crimes were committed against the women in India. Sad record for Uttar Pradesh which records 38.467 crimes: rapes and incests, abductions to be married, domestic violence or on behalf of the close relatives of their husband, abductions and murders due to the dowry, indecent assault. The nature of the crimes against the women is varied, but in Uttar Pradesh, the crimes due to the dowry are legions. In Varanasi, every year, approximately 2000 women are burned by fire or by acid by their in-laws. In this patriarchal society, where the women often define themselves as domestics within the family of their husband,It is important that they have an activity paid to be an financial actor and make themselves heard and respect.

Education des enfants et Autonomie des femmes par le travail

Women Empowerment Project : Zindagi Créations, a jewelry shop.

To assure the sustainability of our project and the regular income of the association, we opened a fair trade shop of jewels in the tourist are of Varanasi ( Benares), employing only women.

For more details, read here.

Educational Project : Zindagi School

Since October 2012, we school 41 children from 6 to 14 years old, trying hard to offer the best learning conditions. School stationeries, uniforms, breakfast and lunch, medical follow-up are offered to the children.

For more details, read here.

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